Featured in Tribeza June 2022 Issue
We were thrilled to help curate and photograph two stories that were featured in the June 2022 “The Neighborhood Issue” of Tribeza magazine.
Midnight Cowboy | by Weston Carls
Tribeza wanted to showcase all the new (and old) speakeasy’s in Austin. “Sometimes You Wanna Go Where NOBODY Knows Your Name” is the title of the piece and we photographed Midnight Cowboy and Milonga Room locations for this article. You can read the digital issue via Issuu here.
For the second featured article, “Doggin’ Around Town,” we helped with photography and also curating places that dogs love to visit in Austin. The two businesses that we helped feature was Taurus Academy, a very long-standing dog academy in Austin and YardBar where every dog (and human) wants to be. Sip drinks and watch the dogs play!
In their own words: “Tribeza is defined by the stories we tell. We celebrate beautiful photography through a simple, yet sophisticated design, and each month, we let our readers in on a unique, curated look inside the lives of Austin’s most innovative citizens.”