To Wear or Not to Wear

Updated on 06/23/21

What are Austin gyms’ response to the updated mask guidelines from the CDC and the state & local governments?

HIT Athletic

Masks are optional for trainers and clients during any workout. Visit their website to learn more.



With vaccines now easily accessible and the number of cases drastically dropping in Austin, we knew the discussion of adjusting our mask policy would be on the horizon. Over the past several weeks many of you have shared your opinions on the topic, and at the core of every discussion, regardless of stance, was mutual concern and respect for your fellow campers. To make sure others were comfortable and felt safe, and this is what community is all about!

Recently the CDC has updated their mask guidance stating that, "fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear masks inside or outside, regardless of group size." Safety has always been a top priority, and we have relied on our medical experts and CDC recommendations as the guiding light on all decisions we have made.

As such, we feel it is safe to pivot our policy and will make masks optional starting June 1st. Note a few items about this change:

We are providing a couple more weeks as a courtesy to those receiving their second doses, so this will not go into effect until June 1.

Our staff will still wear masks while coaching for the time being.

We will continue to give our full support and encouragement to those who wish to wear masks now and in the future.

If future guidance changes, we could potentially pivot accordingly.

We will continue to limit camp size for the time being.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for the mutual respect and care you have shown to one other throughout the pandemic. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding of the needs of the health of our community.

HEAT Founder,

Pure Pilates Austin

Studio Policy Updates - Effective June 1st⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


As of June 1st, Pure Pilates Austin will no longer require clients to wear masks while in the studio. We will be respecting each individual's decision, but we do ask that if have not been vaccinated, you continue to wear a mask at this time.

We will no longer require our trainers to wear masks while teaching and will be encouraging each trainer to follow their own sense of health and safety when making this decision.


We will continue to deep clean the Megaformers and all high-touch surfaces in the studios multiple times per week. We will also continue to provide supplies to clean your Megaformer prior to class if you choose.


We will be increasing the capacity at our West Campus studio from 5 clients per class to 7 clients per class.

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU ✨⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Safety for our team and our clients in-studio has been and will remain our top priority as we move forward. All policy updates are being made based on CDC recommendations as well as feedback we have received from our trainers and clients over the last several weeks. Our team will be listening to you, fine-tuning our processes, and evaluating ways to keep our community safe while sweating together. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns!

Athletic Outcomes

An update from the AO team. Visit their website to learn more.

Align Austin

Visit their website to learn more.

“Ready to join us without a mask? If you fit the CDC criteria go ahead and fill out our COVID vaccination verification form below. We will keep you posted once we hear from our City Officials next week. Until then, keep wearing those masks!”

Rō Fitness

Mask Policy Update

:: Masks will no longer be required at Rō Fitness ::

Per CDC guidance, we will no longer require a mask to enter our facilities at either of our locations. Please read the full CDC recommendation for reference on what activities are safe for your personal situation.

Tarrytown Studio :: We will keep our plexiglass dividers between each machine. We will still only use the AC unit with the Merv-13 air filter during class, and we will still be wiping down your machine handles and sanitizing the studio before each class. Capacity: Our current capacity is 66% of our operation in 2019 (12 machines). In the upcoming months, we hope to add a few more machines but will be holding off until mid-June to make any decision on capacity increases at this location.

Downtown Studio :: We will be transitioning to the original indoor/outdoor model over the next few weeks. We will always be outdoor if the weather holds up, but in the event of rain, we will shift inside to avoid full cancellations of the class. The machines will continue to be sanitized before each class. Capacity: We will have up to 7 machines available, in each class. We will always flex to have the most spacing as possible between each machine.

We understand that it's important to feel comfortable in your community and we commit to fully supporting anyone who wears a mask, whether it be that you have a weakened immune system or that you have not received your vaccination yet. We will have extra masks to provide for anyone who would like one.

Thank you for being patient and flexible with us for this challenging year.

Your support of this small business in very trying times will always be remembered and appreciated.

Castle Hill Fitness

“We're starting the transition back to an open gym!! By 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝟮𝟴, no more reservations or partition walls - you'll just be able to come and workout whenever you want! ⁠⁠
As of TODAY, 6/15, you no longer need to reserve Cardio Workout Pods, or the 360 Hot Tub, Steam Room, and Sauna. We'll be hard at work this month removing the rest of the reservations and partition walls, and refining our spaces. Free-range, baby!⁠⁠
Find more info about the upcoming changes and the policies that are staying in place at⁠
We love that we were able to exercise safely together thanks to our Workout Pods. We're also SO excited to open up even more! From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for all your support throughout all this time! ❤️”

Let us know in the comments below if you have any gym policies you’d like for use to add.